About this site
Welcome to scpdresidents.org, a website dedicated to free and open discussion for residents and homeowners in Sun City Palm Desert.
The purpose of the site is to provide a forum for residents to openly discuss topics of interest related to SCPD.
The site is uncensored. This means that you can post what you want and nobody is going to remove it due to some site rules violation. We are all mature adults and we trust that everyone will act as such.
The site is moderated. This means that:
Members who are willing to become moderators (e.g. staff) will be available to provide support for everyone. There is no limit on how many people can be moderators. We welcome anyone who wants to take on some additional tasks.
The kind of things we expect moderators to do are to move a topic to its appropriate category upon request from the poster.
A moderator can fix a broken URL in someone's post.
A moderator is not here to edit a users's post to change the text or meaning. Your words will stand for everyone to see.
A moderator may combine two topics that are identical subjects, just to keep the navigation uncluttered.
Site Benefits
This site is not a replacement for NextDoor.com or any of the emailing lists. It's complementary. You may offer something for sale here and have better response using the alternatives. But we allow you to offer that thing for sale here as well.
One of the biggest benefits of this software is the ability to edit and create posts that look like documents. The post editor has features that allow you to make bullet lists, change fonts and font size, bold text, and so on. But you are also free to just type in a message/post/comment just as you would on NextDoor.com.
Another benefit of this software is that it allows us to upload unlimited pictures/photos and documents to attach to our posts.
Another benefit of this software is that you can create polls. A poll is a topic that has a question and multiple choice options. Once posted, members can vote in the poll and can comment as well.
This is the button to click on in the editor to create a poll:
Mission Statement
My purpose in creating this site is that there is clearly a need for a forum for SCPD residents that is uncensored. The board members, or anyone else, can't influence us to remove topics. There will be no 3rd party advertising on the site.I do not have any ambition other than to enable you to make use of the site.