Site Rules
This "document" is subject to change, as deemed necessary.
- This site is meant to be a grass roots forum for discussion about Sun City Palm Desert. It is made by Sun City residents for Sun City residents.
- Nobody owns this site. It is just operated by people with the technology skills.
- The purpose of the site is to enable free and uncensored discussion.
- The site is staffed by its users.
- There will be no 3rd party ads on the site. It's not for profit.
Anyone who is a resident is welcome to apply to be moderator. The more the better. We're all friends and neighbors and we're all to be trusted.
As such, the following rules are to be enforced:
- Please be courteous to your neighbors. We're all adults
- No hate speech.
- Politics to be discussed in dedicated Politics Categories. Please try to keep your political comments there.
- Nobody edits anybody else's post, except when asked by the poster.
- Moderators are here to provide support and assistance, not to censor content.
- Every Sun City resident is invited.
That's it.